In which I unwittingly make a lot of bird references

Well hello there! My name is Alanna Hardinge-Rooney. I’m 24 years old and I live in New Westminster, B.C., with my mother (Carol), father (Ken), brother (Cameron) and Labradoodle who is frequently mistaken for a bear, Finley. My university studies in sociology have taught me that I’m a boomerang kid: one of many of my generation who have returned to the nest following a period of flying solo. In my case, this has meant everything from living in dingy basement apartments to tracking rhinoceros in Uganda.

Though not quite as exotic, these days I spend my time flitting about Langara College as a journalism student in constant pursuit of students’ comments on bike lanes and water fountains. I’m not convinced that it’s my calling, but I think I’m getting closer (I once worked in an accounting firm, so I figure the further I get from that, the closer I get to what it is I’m ‘meant’ to do).

With any luck, this blog will be about life and politics in New Westminster. Municipal government isn’t a beat I’d naturally gravitate to, but with the bulk of my Advanced Reporting grade depending on me developing a grasp of it, I’m going to give it my best shot. If I get something wrong, please let me know. If there’s something going on in the city, please let me know. And of course, if you want me to write for you (or do just about anything for you actually), please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Okay, let’s talk politics!